Portada » ‘The Regime’: the Winslet diet | Television

‘The Regime’: the Winslet diet | Television

by Isabella Walker
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After The menu, touch The regime. I’m not referring to the diet that many of us fall into after a binge, but to the miniseries The regime, created by Will Tracy, screenwriter of Succession, Last week tonight with John Oliver and from the aforementioned film in which a couple goes to an island to live a peculiar gastronomic experience.

The regime (HBO Max) won’t keep quiet, as a gym instructor once recommended to me as the main exercise to regain a flat stomach. Or rather, he will shut his mouth, but in another sense, because he tells the story of the vicissitudes of an autocracy that has fallen into ruin in an invented country in Central Europe. The tyrant is Kate Winslet. And of course, having it as a main course, many of us will eat anything.

The problem is that while you see it The regime He doesn’t know what he’s eating. It wants to be a political satire, but today that political reality is full of parody without needing to be filtered by a screenwriter, satires have to work hard to be more biting and refined than the menu that the newspaper offers. we need it every day..The regime He is generic and vague in his criticism and misses his tone. It aims to portray unbalanced, stupid and self-interested characters, but seems to forget that no matter how stupid the hands we sometimes fall into, the perspective from which we tell them cannot be as vulgar as that of its protagonists.

It’s not even original to place a much-loved star in the role of a villain in charge of a dystopian country: we already appreciated Emma Thompson in Years and years. And after seven joyous seasons of veepeven having a female protagonist in a political satire doesn’t make a difference in itself. The more I see The regime, I especially miss Armando Iannucci, who also knew how to make us laugh with his analysis of the paranoia preceding the fall of a dictator in Stalin’s death.

It’s surprising that the series from someone involved in the program that best dissects current affairs in comedy, John Oliver’s weekly half-hour, is so lazy. And it’s sad that so many good ingredients – directed by Stephen Frears and Jessica Hobbs, the cast also includes Hugh Grant and Martha Plimpton, the soundtrack is by Alexandre Desplat – don’t make a good menu.

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